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Debra Dudek

Genealogist   Author   Librarian

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About Debra Dudek

Genealogist  Author  Librarian

Debra M. Dudek is Head of Adult and Teen Services at the Fountaindale Public Library District in Bolingbrook, IL. She holds a post graduate certificate in Genealogical, Palaeographic & Heraldic Studies from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.  Ms. Dudek is the Book Review Editor of the Illinois State Genealogical Society, an executive board member of the Illinois State Historical Society, website coordinator for the Chicago Chapter NSDAR, and is the author of the World War I Research Guide: Tracing American Military and Non-Combatant Ancestors.

Finding Your
World War I Ancestors

Need help tracking down your World War I military ancestor?  Watch this free webinar and get started with your research!

Books and Ebooks

Upcoming Events

Free Webinars

What’s the Buzz About BillionGraves?

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June 2023

BillionGraves is contending to be the top cemetery search site on the web.  Toting a hot new app and an easy interface, BillionGraves is making cemetery transcription projects and research information more accessible to tech-friendly users. Get a look at this site as a researcher, transcriber, and in-the-field data gatherer.


Webinar for personal use only.  Please contact speaker for society or group viewing options.


Aliens in the Army
World War I Military Naturalizations

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March 2023

Non-citizens residing in the USA during World War I were drafted in the military, and with their induction into service, and the government responded by streamlining the naturalization process for these 'alien' servicemen.  Find out how you can research your WWI ancestor's military service and personal path to citizenship.

Webinar for personal use only.  Please contact speaker for society or group viewing options.

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Recently Published Works

Articles and Book Reviews

Spring 2023

Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly

Book Review - Searching for Charles: The Untold Legacy of an Immigrant by Stephen Watts.  This book is an excellent example of how genealogists can tie together a compelling and rich narrative by using personal papers, archival manuscripts, and in-depth social history research.

June 2022

National Genealogical Society Quarterly 

Book Review: American Merchant Seamen of the Early Nineteenth Century by Anne Morddel

This is an essential book for anyone with ancestors who sailed the seas, regardless of  age, race, income, or religion. The author provides a concise yet robust list of  records and methodologies in accessing North American and European records from the time period.

Spring 2022

Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly

Amazing Discovery: The Only Known Copy of the 1845 Will County Census

What once was thought lost has been found: The only known copy of the 1845 Illinois Census of Will County. The census was found rolled up in an underwear drawer in the home of a local historian.  A note found with the census stated it had been discovered by a workman when Will County was demolishing its historic 1887 courthouse in the 1960s.  The census was compiled at the time Irish immigrants and other laborers in Will County were digging the Illinois & Michigan Canal, which connected Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. 

Get in Touch

Debra M. Dudek

Lockport, Illinois

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